ADHD services offered in Patchogue, NY

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause issues with focus at school or work and even disrupt relationships. The Guiding Balance team in Patchogue, New York, has the expertise and experience to address, diagnose, and treat ADHD. If you’re looking for solutions, call the friendly office today to request an appointment.


What is ADHD?

ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that can affect both children and adults. It’s characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning and development. 

To understand ADHD, you need to understand its symptoms, its impact on different age groups, and the various treatment options available.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD include:


Individuals with ADHD often struggle to focus on tasks, follow instructions, and organize their thoughts. They may frequently make careless mistakes, lose important items, and struggle sustaining attention in activities.


Hyperactivity manifests as restlessness, fidgeting, and difficulty sitting still, especially in situations where it’s expected. Children with ADHD might run or climb excessively, while adults may constantly feel inner restlessness.


People with ADHD tend to act without thinking, interrupt conversations, and have difficulty waiting their turn. Impulsivity can lead to risky behaviors and social difficulties.

During an evaluation at Guiding Balance, your practitioner learns about your symptoms and provides an accurate diagnosis.

Does ADHD affect children and adults in the same way?

ADHD affects children (usually aged five and older) and adults (all ages) differently because of varying life demands. In children, it often presents as academic struggles, classroom disruptions, and difficulty following rules. They may have trouble making friends because of their impulsive behavior.

In adults, ADHD can result in challenges at work, such as poor time management, forgetfulness, and difficulty completing tasks. It can also strain relationships because of impulsivity, not remembering things, and a lack of emotional stability.

How is ADHD treated?

The treatment for ADHD typically involves a combination of strategies tailored to the individual’s needs that may include:

  • Medication
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Support and education
  • Accommodations

In addition, dietary changes or alternative therapies like mindfulness meditation can be beneficial, although these approaches vary in effectiveness.

While ADHD manifestations can differ between children and adults, seeking a comprehensive evaluation and working closely with the Guiding Balance team to tailor a treatment plan that suits your unique needs to promote improved functioning and a higher quality of life is essential.

To learn more about ADHD and how to treat it in children or adults, call the practice today.