Emotional Impulsivity

Emotional Impulsivity

Emotional Impulsivity services offered in Patchogue, NY

Managing your emotions plays a key role in your quality of life. They can interfere with your everyday tasks and relationships without the ability to control them. The expert team at Guiding Balance in Patchogue, New York, provides guidance, counsel, and other treatments for those who struggle with emotional impulsivity. To learn more, call the practice and request an appointment today.

Emotional Impulsivity Q & A

What is emotional impulsivity?

Emotional impulsivity is a behavioral trait characterized by the tendency to act on emotions without considering the consequences or thinking things through. It often involves quick, impulsive reactions to emotional triggers, leading to poor decision-making and difficulties in regulating emotions effectively. 

What are the signs of emotional impulsivity?

Signs of emotional impulsivity can manifest in various ways, making it essential to recognize these patterns in yourself or others. Some common signs include:

Quick emotional reactions

You react immediately to emotional stimuli, such as anger, frustration, or sadness, without taking time to evaluate the situation.

Impulsive behaviors

You engage in impulsive actions driven by emotions, like sending an angry message, making rash decisions, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors.

Difficulty controlling emotions

You struggle to manage strong emotions, often experiencing intense mood swings that impact your daily life.


You have a low tolerance for frustration and struggle to delay gratification or tolerate discomfort.

Lack of planning

You frequently make plans without thoroughly thinking them through, leading to missed opportunities or negative consequences.

Relationship struggles

Emotional impulsivity can strain relationships, as outbursts or decisions can hurt loved ones.

Addictive behaviors

You may turn to substances or addictive behaviors to cope with emotional distress, seeking instant relief.

If you notice these signs in yourself or others, request an evaluation with the Guiding Balance team.

Can emotional impulsivity be misdiagnosed?

Yes. Emotional impulsivity can often resemble conditions like bipolar disorder when it’s actually linked to autism spectrum disorder. For example, autism-related social challenges, sensory sensitivities, and communication difficulties may manifest as emotional outbursts or mood swings, leading to misinterpretations. 

In addition, temperamental traits, such as impulsivity or mood swings, may be wrongly attributed to other disorders like bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) because of overlapping symptoms.

That’s why it’s important to have the qualified Guiding Balance professionals give a proper assessment to avoid misdiagnoses and ensure you receive appropriate support and treatment.

How is emotional impulsivity treated?

A combination of therapeutic approaches and self-awareness strategies can be beneficial to effectively treat emotional impulsivity. They include:

  • Therapy
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Medication (as needed)
  • Supportive relationships 
  • Stress management techniques
  • Lifestyle changes 

With dedication and support, you can learn to manage your emotions effectively and make more thoughtful decisions in your daily life. 

To learn more, call and request an appointment today.