

Autism services offered in Patchogue, NY

If your child struggles with communication, behavior, and social interactions, they may be diagnosed with autism, which is a spectrum disorder encompassing a wide range of abilities and challenges. At Guiding Balance in Patchogue, New York, the team of psychiatry experts provides comprehensive plans and treatments to help patients with autism thrive. To learn more, reach out to the practice today by phone to request an appointment. 

Autism Q & A

What is autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting how a person thinks, communicates, and interacts. The disorder usually appears in children before the age of 3. 

The Guiding Balance professionals have the expertise and experience to identify the signs of autism, diagnose the condition, and provide effective treatment options.

What are the signs of autism?

Recognizing the signs of autism as soon as possible can prompt and allow effective early intervention and support. Common signs include:

Social challenges

Watch to see if your child has difficulty with eye contact, understanding emotions, and forming relationships.

Communication difficulties

If your child has delayed speech development, limited vocabulary, and trouble with nonverbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, they may be diagnosed with autism.

Repetitive behaviors

An autistic child may engage in repetitive movements or activities, like hand-flapping or rocking.

Rigid routine

Signs of autism include having a strong preference for routines and a resistance to change.

Sensory sensitivities

Your child may display signs of being over- or under-sensitive to sensory stimuli, like light, sound, touch, or taste.

Narrow interests

Autistic children may be intensely focused on specific topics or hobbies.

The Guiding Balance professionals can perform tests to determine your child’s condition.

How is autism diagnosed?

The Guiding Balance team diagnoses autism through an assessment that involves gathering information about the individual’s early development, behaviors, and milestones. They also evaluate social, communication, and behavior patterns.

They may use autism-specific screening tools, including questionnaires and assessments designed to identify autism-related traits. In addition, performing a medical evaluation can rule out other medical conditions that may mimic autism.

How is autism treated?

Autism can’t be “cured,” but early intervention and tailored treatments can greatly improve quality of life. Guiding Balance offers several evidence-based approaches, including:

  • Behavioral therapies
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Medication
  • Parent and caregiver training
  • Educational support

Autism is a unique journey for each individual, and early intervention can make a significant difference. 

To learn more about Guiding Balance’s commitment to helping individuals with autism navigate this path by providing support, guidance, and access to the resources they need to thrive, call to request an appointment today.